Environment Artist on Blackout mode, responsible for the Nuketown house/bunker area and Fracking Rig .
Responsible for re-creating the aesthetic for the main Nuketown green/white house, updating the look of the old structure from Black Ops 2 by applying higher fidelity (existing) materials and models. I worked with provided concept art to create the art for the dining room in the bunker below it, using existing materials and models (minus the wallpaper which was original).
I was also responsible for development of the aesthetic for the Fracking Rig lower structure (minus the trailers on both sides) and raised platforms. I worked from design block-out and detailed ref of fracking rigs, along with art direction, to create a composite look of multiple rig styles. I used existing materials (with some color unification) and models to piece together the extending leg beams, the look of the metal panels, and the ceiling/floor panels for the lower structure, as well as placing set dress.